Experience the unique Finnish home sauna.

My first ice cream.

Did you know that Finland has 3.2 million saunas - almost one sauna per person!

Most of the Finnish saunas are located at the homes of individuals - indeed, most people in Finland live in an apartment with sauna in it. In addition, lots of people have lakeside summer cottages, which also typically come with a separate sauna building near the waterfront.

To truly experience a Finnish sauna, you need to look beyond the public saunas, and instead visit a real home or cottage sauna. Saunatime makes this possible for everyone. All our saunas are owned by individuals willing to let tourists and other curious visitors to enter their sacred spaces.

Are you a sauna owner?

Saunatime offers you a good way to earn some extra cash! If you're not using your sauna every evening, why not rent it to other people while it's free. And even if you are using your sauna every evening (we understand, it's so good), why not invite other people to join you when the sauna is already warm! A shared sauna experience is often a more fulfilling one.

Create your own marketplace like Saunatime

Saunatime is brought to you by the good folks at Sharetribe. Would you like to create your own marketplace platform a bit like Saunatime? Or perhaps a mobile app? With Sharetribe it's really easy. If you have a marketplace idea in mind, do get in touch!

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